Saturday, July 25, 2009


Chosen from a House & Garden magazine picture decades ago, the faded green, below, continues to delight. Dear Carolyn wrote saying Lowe's couldn't match the stain color from my numbers in a blog post earlier.
Lowe's did match my color, above, recently, 6-10-09. If the numbers are too small, Tinter #1, Manual Dispense, gallon size, 113-5Y40.5 115-2Y1.5 114-2Y47 102-1Y8.5

Now using drop cloths, aka, sheets Grandma sent me to college with. One rain in a month and it landed upon newspapers while staining furniture. What a pulpy mess.

Faded green, above, color matched as paint. A bit different from the same color match for stain.

New teak planter, above, stained last week. TJMaxx, $29.99, unbelievable. Have no idea where I'll use it. Though I know a large mophead hydrangea will grace its lines. A charming clematis weaving thru it and the lattice. Well, those are nice starters. I have years, decades, to play with this planter.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. If the market comes back i will sell some real estate - then hire you and john knight to improve the facade of my abode -- urban planner's home is gorgeous - the thinking i find on this site is inspiring and stimulating -u go girl

    the thumb

  2. I know you're in the industry Scott and would be DIY in your landscape.

    Have learned a thing or two about working men in the landscape. You'll get dirty, tired, bruised, bleed & stretch your creative intellect too. You'll love every moment, thru the years, of the time it takes.

    XO T

  3. Realize this is an old post but I just came across it! Stained my old teak bench this weekend and it is so lovely! Thanks for the custom color numbers. Lowes mixed with Base 2 Olympic and it's so beautiful....
