Tuesday, June 30, 2009


When Mrs. Wilcox told Margaret, Margaret Schlegel of course, Howard's End even had a paddock I knew. A paddock became item #2 on my fantasy garden list.
It seems so simple to have a paddock, or a meadow. Ha, not in my subdivision. Arriving to this, above, at Sunday's bar-b-q, you know I was lost in fantasy; adding height to the meadow & Adirondack chairs. Loving, adoring, reveling in Nature's garden.
Hearing Vanessa Redgrave as Mrs. Wilcox, again. Then about Helen, "The energy of the Wilcoxes had fascinated her, had created new images of beauty in her responsive mind. To be all day with them in the open air, to sleep at night under their roof, had seemed the supreme joy of life, and had led to that abandonment of personality that is a possible prelude to love." EM Forster
Hmm, I certainly fell for the paddock.

I met the owner of the paddock, at least it's a paddock in my fantasy, thru the pages of his free local magazine, Up Close & Personal in Tucker.
The bar-b-q celebrated his advertisers, staff, & people who have been written about. Over 100 came. A celebration honoring his company and helping weave a small town together.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

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