Sunday, June 28, 2009


GRAPHIC GIRL surprised me with lunch while designing her landscape. Grilled salmon, vegetables with a mixed green salad & a pesto vinaigrette. The dishes, hand-painted, are inherited and were bought in China. Her home, circa 70's, is getting a new kitchen. French doors went in recently, new deck & screened porch too.
Enjoying paper in the guest bathroom, below. A weird enjoyment, but there it is.

FEEL your landscape with flags/tape before it's installed.
Place flags for trees/focal points & tape for bedlines & terraces. Drawn to scale, 1"=20', below, still use flags/tape.
A 6" change may transform good to FABULOUS.
Soon, a fig bush will engulf the pump house from behind, below. Her antique bench goes in front and hollyhocks will bloom on each side. A potager will replace the lawn.

The pool will get a facelift.
Windows, below, will soon be French doors with a stone terrace.

GRAPHIC GIRL loves Stone Carpets, below. She saved the picture from Early Spring 2002 Garden Shed magazine. Don't you love her level of determined passion?

Below, is where her Stone Carpet will go. A custom lattice wall will hide the stairs/raised beds.

GRAPHIC GIRL saved this Veranda magazine cover shot since 2003.

Please, someone, create fabulous software for laptop & digital camera. So far, the software isn't worth it. My fantasy is designing en plein air with laptop on the folding table.

En plein air with GRAPHIC GIRL's inspirations: pictures, mission statement, plant list.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. You are the best- mission statement girl! I can't wait to see this finished.

    btw - the house on this month's cover of Veranda- they are from Houston. the property is to die for.

  2. did my comment go through? you are so wonderful = can't wait until this is finished - but such a long wait in gardening!!!
