Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Carl Jung said, Our lives are about getting the outside to match the inside.
Can you describe the landscape in your imagination? Good, you've begun.
Until yesterday I wasn't aware the world offered lace shoes. Before the year is out I will picnic with girlfriends, all wearing lace shoes, upon soft meadow & moss.
The languor, and joys, of summers in Milledgeville, GA circa 60's are in my DNA. Those summers are in my landscape now.

Did you know stone & gravel mirror back the stars & moon? You can read a book of poetry without electric or candle light upon a stone terrace past midnight in your garden.

Using the toughest pass along & native plants brings birds, butterflies & honeybees. Creating gardens surviving on rainwater. And no fertilizer.
Be who you are. Oddly, you'll have to be brave to be who you are, even for your garden.

Bill Blass said, A woman with a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear doesn't know herself very well.
Soon my closet will have a tutu & lace shoes.
Pics from Julia and aren't they fabulous?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

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