Sunday, June 21, 2009


For each landscape design I ask for a mission statement. Often a single mission statement is enough, sometimes one for the front yard & another for the backyard. Ha, some of you need several. Don't think you're hiding from me.
TRACTOR CHICK's mission statement: "Create an outdoor living space that will not be an extension of my home but where my home will be an extension of my garden!" TRACTOR CHICK chose her home for its lot. For the landscape. The backyard is incredible.
A few challenges in the front yard. Driveways & garages drawing attention away from the focal point of the front door.
I haven't drawn this plan yet but I already know round downspouts are needed, an arbor over the double garage wrapping around the corner and Bahama shutters, below, on the bare wall between the double garage & single garage.
Why have the arbor and Bahama shutters? Softness, depth, asymmetry and creating the illusion that living space is balanced on each side of the home.

Bahama shutter pic, above, from The Window Shutter Site, other pics taken last week.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

1 comment:

  1. I like the look of the Bahama shutters a lot but don't like how they might block the light. I guess it's better or worse depending on the direction they face and other windows in the room. I don't understand why 3 garage doors have to face the street. Have to use your wraparound arbor and really high style doors I guess and camouflage garage #3.
