Monday, May 11, 2009


Sir Walter Scott's landscape had a well-placed chair. I copied the idea and learned it was more than first epiphanied.
Blooming today, oh so fragrant Marchessa Boccella. She's remontant, blooming till frost and an antique rose needing no chemicals. A couple of weeks ago, below, Chinese snowball petals. A few are evident, above.

Soon, below, mopheads will be blooming again.
And the great southern drama, below, snow. When the teacup snowstorms begin I grab the camera & run.
Need to get the camellia blossoms in bloom with this chair and fall leaves. Who knew? Copying Sir Walter Scott I thought I was simply creating a single photo op with a chair. Instead it's seasons of beauty. And the random bird or squirrel alighting on the chair to dine.
I dine there too, on occasion.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

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