Saturday, April 4, 2009


Men come to gardening with single-minded love. Rapture? Mostly. Roses or hosta or conifers or ponds or daylilies or lawns or daffodils. Once seduced they want the entire landscape. Women, mostly, come to gardening wanting the entire landscape.
HE came to the landscape in its entirety. A few of HIS daffodils, below. HE designed the road, sculpted the trees, & planted daffodils; contoured to follow the land.
Driving with this man thru his land as he shares its stories is to share in a benediction. Not once saying 'my' land, always 'the' land. Honoring his good fortune in being its servant.
Wicked & knowing, HE made sure my trip home was perfumed with a portion of his delight in his landscape.

Little did HE know their beauty & fragrance would inaugurate a new teapot. A birthday gift from my Mom.
Is any of this a big deal? What is remembered thru time? A friend's love for their garden, a sweep of daffodils in spring, the gift of beautiful, fragrant flowers, a Mother's perfect gift to her child.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

1 comment:

  1. Oh Tara, that gorgeous curvy splash of daffodils - just breathtaking! Lovely post, with such hearfelt words.
    Millie ^_^
