Thursday, April 2, 2009


HIPPIE CHICK said, Yes, to the open garden before the cottage & landscape were complete, below. Lawn, plants, stones, mulch, focal points, above, are hours old. HIPPIE CHICK wanted a landscape from the 1910's-1920's-1930's-1940's-1950's.
Knowing to use rocks as jewelry, urr, low columns. HIPPIE CHICK loves rocks.

Clothesline is new, custom made, based on memories. Rust color by choice. Tucked behind the new cottage.

Using what HIPPIE CHICK had on site. Her bench placed with the Tara Rule for focal points, Just Let It Touch.
Pots on the stone wall, about 5. Lined up & planted with geraniums. A style derivative of Italian landscapes.
I'm incredibly happy with this landscape. It doesn't look designed. It's eco, organic, sustainable, classic, low maintenance, no watering once established. And looks old immediately. Exactly what HIPPIE CHICK asked for.
But, oh dear, my contractors. Wonderful men. Not wanting their work to look like some 'old' landscape. Me, turning into DOMINATRIX WITH A WHIP, demanding specific placement of rocks & plants. Making it look as if HIPPIE CHICK, past age 70, did everything herself decades ago.
Why is this incredibly wonderful style of landscaping DERIDED?
I didn't create the style, it's decades old. Why did it fall out of favor?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

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