Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Several women have hired me to open the plantings in front of their home. It's obvious change had occurred in their life. What? Seeing more change inside their home. Sensing a damn spilled forth. And their garden must respond. Must channel the flow. A flow of pure energy.

Below, my damn burst 5 years ago. It was obvious where to open the garden. On direct axis with the bay window. What had been a solid hedge, below, became a hedge with a permanently open gate. Robbins egg blue! Stone steps were added to the gate and front door.
Inside I made-over the mudroom. Adding antique drawers, and shelving with glass doors. Moving sets of china from the attic to the mudroom and onto the antique shelves. Organizing all of my wrapping materials into one of the large antique drawers. Putting paper plates, napkins, and plastic utensils into another. Pet supplies fill the last drawer.
David Stevens put in the stone steps & COLLEGE BOY put in the gate. NAVY MAN from across the street helped bring the antiques into the mudroom. Ugh. I prefer my girl power but sometimes manliness is necessary.
And the garden. I adore going thru the Robbins egg blue gate. Even if it's only with my eyes while sitting inside.
What was the burst damn of energy? Don't know. As with my clients it is received with joy and honored as grace.
May your damn burst with energy this year.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! Always love being able to look out the windows at ANYTIME of day and enjoy the view. . . textures, colors, tiny petals blowing in the breeze. Always plan for what you will see through the windows.
