Monday, April 13, 2009


Girl Crush: Catherine Brooks. In a crowd of hundreds last week lecturing in Richmond, VA a woman flamed. I was the moth.
Energy crackling from eyes, that smile, the glow of skin, & a pulsating current around her. Hair matching the pansy brooch. The clothes & jewelry. Body language? Confidence, joy, a knowing of life.
I met her, it's all a blurrrr, by grabbing her hands & gushing. She's an artist. Some of her work here. Then, as only real life can be, she said it was her Mom I was wanting to meet. Yes? Her Mom, Kathy Brooks, landscape designer, had emailed me ahead of the lecture asking me to mention vegetable gardens. Small world?

From head to toe Catherine Brooks is an artist. And her work? Gorgeous.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. Did i say gem? Surely we must be star sisters!

  2. Tara--your kind words describe catherine exactly! Thank you for being so friendly. "signed: her mother"
