Tuesday, March 10, 2009


This isn't the first famous landscape for ROSE. Downsizing house & garden, ROSE again hit it out of the park. Speeding up the process she knew to hire a designer, Brooks Garcia. ROSE mentored others by example. She could have done it on her own but it would have taken longer.
Below, a narrow sideyard is made wider with stepping stones set on diagonal. The gate says, Welcome. ROSE came to gardening through a love of roses. Her beautiful landscape is merely a setting to show them off. A Southern matriarch in every good sense of the phrase, ROSE was nudged by her landscape into lecturing and opening her garden for tours.
Above & below, two views of the same narrow path. A double axis pair of pics.

Above, a child's sized bench enlarges the scale of the tiny foyer between frontdoor & sideyard.

Above & below, backyard pic looking left & looking right. Another double axis. ROSE lives in a cluster home neighborhood. Her landscape denies reality.

Above, it's no accident the benches have a curved back. The curve softens rectangular landscape design lines and reinforces a French essence.

Above, ROSE's family room window with sundial on axis and enfilade. Roses's over the window make the tiny area lush.
Below, view from ROSE's family room window with Dancing Girl on axis and enfilade.
Above & below are yet another double axis.

ROSE threaded many clematis, below, through her roses.

Above & below, clematis.

Below, subsidiary focal point. Remember 1 focal point per area.

Walls with 3D are more interesting, below.

This hand, below, charms me each time I look at it. So many metaphors and it follows the 3D landscape design rule for walls. Which metaphors do you see?

The first time I met ROSE was through an invitation to see her garden, with Penny. Of course it was a hot, humid summer day. We began inside ROSE's home. Three steps inside the frondoor I felt like I'd known ROSE always. Delighting upon antiques, art, books, garden views, & stories. ROSE invited us to refreshments at the breakfast room table overlooking the back garden through French doors. Icy cool water, tea, soda, and pound cake left from a recent lecture program. Remembering, especially, the antique silver pitcher of icy water covered in beads of condensation.
Conversation, laughter and anticipation of soon seeing ROSE's garden.
The garden didn't disappoint.
More pictures of ROSE's garden are in my book, Beautiful by Design.
XO Tara


  1. what a beautiful garden is this! how big is it?
    I love the way you explain things from landscape design POV. Thank you.

  2. Ewa, wish we could walk in the garden together. It's tiny. Including the home, the entire lot is only about 4500 square feet.

    I shot the garden after the roses peaked. A good excuse to go back!
    XO Tara
