Wednesday, March 18, 2009


CAREER WOMAN had a Potting Shed vision. I think she created a Potting Cottage. Field gathering old windows & doors give the new Potting Cottage sweet charm. And it's not even complete.

Particular, CAREER WOMAN, wanted a chalkboard wall & she left directions for shelving.

A gorgeous, fit, fabulous & about to be 60 this year, CAREER WOMAN, set the brick flooring herself. Alone.

The sink, above, will drain into the garden. Yes, a garden hose instead of plumbing.

I wonder how many plates will be hung in the Potting Cottage.

And she served an impromptu lunch. Mushroom & arugula soup, salad with incredible tomatoes for March, tofu and fresh vinaigrette. A delightful Merlot.............
I'm designing landscape bones, placing misc. focal points & 9 incredible urns.
Driven? CAREER WOMAN is possessed!
Once the Potting Cottage is complete you will get the pics. And I'll get you the specs.
Just in want one.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. Holy cows! That's awesome! I totally want a greenhouse/potting shed combo, and it would look almost exactly like that! So envious...

  2. LOVE! I saw your other blog about the best dimensions for a conservatory... but I didn't ever see what the dimensions of the one in your yard are. I would love to know that and the dimensions of this potting shed!
