Sunday, March 15, 2009


Mentors & lunch have been a pair in my life for decades. Lunches at their homes, inside and in the garden. Paying it forward is so rich it feels selfish. Last Friday I invited CLOWN to lunch. A stressful career explains her hobby donning a clown outfit and visiting local children's hospitals. She asked for a circus theme.

CLOWN has a swimming pool she uses in her backyard but she's not interacting with her landscape. CLOWN plays drums & clarinet too. Yet her personality and lifestyle aren't stamped into her landscape.

CLOWN commented about the 'drama' I bring to the smallest details. Laughing because she said it came out wrong. Meaning it is happy drama I've touched things with.

Tara Landscape Design Rule: Overdose on a Theme.
Each of my mentors had overdosed on a theme. I'm shameless about taking ideas where I can get them.
What's your passion. Is it strange, weird? That's what your theme is. Don't hide your passions.
That's what mentors gave me, PERMISSION, to be me.

Cooking for CLOWN, a pleasure. Lemons, above, in the antique pitcher before heading outside to the compost pile. Wanting my compost pitcher to be as pretty as the Spode dishes on my table, the camellias blooming outside and more.

CLOWN did laugh at my happy little dramas. She got it. I can't wait to be invited to lunch in her circus themed landscape. When that invitation comes, and it will, I know CLOWN will be interacting with her landscape. Her home-garden-life, finally, together.
What are your passions? Would I know it by looking at your landscape?
How are you using your passions and landscape to nurture yourself?
Why is this stuff important? A vanishing threshold of life-home-landscape will diminish sorrow & increase joy.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. Tara... love love love all of your blue & white!

  2. The details on the plates are great starting points for flower garden ideas. Love it!
