Sunday, March 29, 2009


Unbeknownst to me, while designing en plein air, CORPORATE WOMAN, was preparing a fete. Several salads, cheeses & breads served on antique blue/white platter with antique sterling. Enjoyed in the garden swinging on her daybed from the ancient oak.
My hat landing in the the meadow at our feet. Violets blooming at the brim. Appreciating the sublime. When life is a still life.

Appreciating her DEAR HUSBAND who lovingly takes the cushions in/out for her. Without being asked.

Choosing carefully where to place the bacchanalia. Laughter, sun, soft spring air, life, fragrance, timelessness, discussing the garden plan, sharing life stories.

A gift CORPORATE WOMAN shared with me, her joy. Her love of family, home, food, books, antiques, travel, art, story telling, and her garden.
Am I fully realizing the joys in my life, and sharing them?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

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