Thursday, February 5, 2009


Hippie Chick is the real deal. Dusting it up in the 1960's she's still advocating for nature, children, reading, fixing government, pollution.... She's one of those rare people with children that has left a chunk of land, major chunk, to a preserve. Hippie Chick is wicked fun. We share secrets but that's another blog.

Shooting her porch was easy though it had a huge problem. The light fixture and screen door shout 1970's yuck. Shooting to avoid ugliness, the offending door/light fixture are to the left.
Hippie Chick has other porches. We've sat and gossiped on the others but not here. Why? There to design we start working the moment my foot hits her property.

I'll find the pics of her backyard we did last year. It has a new cistern, clothesline and vegetable garden.......... Will get shots of her new frontdoor/light fixture soon.

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