Monday, February 23, 2009


How landscapes intersect with a home fascinate me. Petersham Nurseries in England occasionally opens the private garden of Petersham House, below. Does your nursery understand the relationship of house & landscape? Petersham's vegetable garden. A seduction. Peter Rabbit feelings, I want to nibble this garden.

Simplicity. Narrow beds to work in easily. Brick path for foot and wheelbarrow. Soil I want to roll in, smell & feel on my skin.

Tree branches & twine ALWAYS trump
store bought stakes & cheap green plastic ties.

If people saw what I did with their trash they would offer to BUY it back.
. No branches? Field gather from neighbor's prunings.
This peak at Petersham House, landscape & vegetable garden make me want more. I want to see inside Petersham House.
Does your landscape do that? Ask yourself, Are people salivating to see inside my home because of my landscape?
photos from Petersham Nursery. Thank you Pigtown*Design for introducing me to them.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Tara! This is just an amazing place. We had such a wonderful afternoon there, even though the weather was not gorgeous!
