Thursday, February 26, 2009


Walking in London last month I saw this. Late Victorian tiles. Who knew? COLOR! PERMISSION! From curb to center of your house, vanishing threshold. Color, style, theme, intelligence, wit.
Weedy looking 'weed' edging the path is Forget-Me-Not. Pure SOPHISTICATION.
Can you imagine the blue blossoms spilling along the edge of the path? Calendar Shot.....
This morning, watching the dawn thru my baywindow, I glanced up from reading the NYTimes. 'Oh my gosh, the sky is the same color as those pathway tiles in London.'
A color splash lasting moments but still transmitting serotonins-dopamine-crack thru neural pathways.
Does color affect you this way?

1 comment:

  1. You are right! Customers are always amazed at the added depth and eye-catching appeal of color to their landscapes.
