Friday, February 20, 2009


Normally CUTE KILLS in a landscape. When I began designing landscapes the rules were restrictive to my novice mind. CUTE KILLS is a Tara Rule. What is cute? A flag with a pink bunny rabbit at Easter perhaps? Cute steals the eye & mind. Landscapes of intelligence & wit expand the eye & mind. How can you tell the difference? Take a picture. Is the landscape timeless? Can you tell which decade the landscape occupies? What is the correct answer? "NO". Somehow, this SWAG works. Rules followed: contrasting foliage size, contrasting foliage color, contrasting barren dry gravel 'lawn' around a center pool of water plants.
More Rules Followed: Focal point statue on axis, focal point bench on axis, enfilade created (view thru to a view), hedges create a garden room, creating sound with water feature, creating sound with feet on gravel, KISS (keep it simple Sweetie), shades of green create serenity.
I took these pics a couple of years ago in England. They could have been taken yesterday or 1910.

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