Monday, February 16, 2009


An old English country church. Do you see the beautiful garden? I see a prophet without honor. The worker in the landscape. A garden intuitive. Are you a garden intuitive? Do you see the consistent amount of good garden work done at this church?

Vines kept off the church. Meadow kept off church & headstones. Trees kept away. No stray piles of debris from mourner's flowers, wheelbarrow neatly stowed. No garden tools carelessly left about. I know this is the work of one man. How? I've been a garden intuitive since childhood.

Often I've seen the passing of a garden prophet. Within weeks the loss is understood. The larger group suddenly realizing, 'Charles' really did maintain the landscape. It wasn't natural, it was 'Charles'. Maybe the group will hire a lawn service, or worse, do the work themselves as a committee.

Neither choice achieving what 'Charles' did with a seeming lack of effort. A lych-gate, below. Dead bodies were placed here for 2-3 days before burial. In case they began to breath.
Seeing the church, below, I can still smell the meadow & feel the excitement & anticipation of exploration. Reading headstones, discovering which plants are thriving, finding the gardener's work area. Intuitively feeling its history yet enjoying the power of intention actively present.

Maybe find a fabulous rock rescue. A breeze, birds and my own footfall for a soundtrac. The joy of solitude.
Garden & Be Well, XO T

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