Friday, February 13, 2009


French landscapes often paint everything the same color to unify. Field gathered iron found at Scott Antique over several years.

Egyptian iron fence panel used as faux gate, below. A fleck of robbins egg blue clinging to the rust inspired the color. Lowe's did the color matching. I chose oil base. French bistro table, circa 1930's, below, arrived a dark green. Wanting to keep its history , I failed.
Iron table, circa 1960, has legs inspired by the 1950's. I adore furniture overlapping eras. It arrived in grey black.
The chairs, above, were a gift in the early 80's. They were black.
Robbins egg blue is common in European landscapes. It's a different color all day. In shade, sun, part sun, rain. Its hues change. They're a delight. It took courage to copy what I saw working in Europe.
Why was I afraid to paint? I regret the time not having my furniture robbins egg blue.
Garden & Be Well XO T

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