Wednesday, May 26, 2021

What You Want Now: Hedge - Stick Trees - Tara Turf

 "Be a good steward of your gifts.  Protect your time.  Feed your inner life.  Avoid too much noise.  Read good books, have good sentences in your ears.  Be by yourself as often as you can.  Walk.  Take the phone off the hook.  Work Regular Hours."  Jane Kenyon


Garden parts, below, naming themselves, personally for you.  Hedges, Stick trees, Tall Tara Turf & Mown Tara Turf.  Focal Point on Axis: Path to House.  


Garden Design as Lecture Titles, above.  Not your style, below?  Come, walk with me.  Won't be long before I've taken hold of your arm, hooked in mine.  Life conversation, Garden conversation.  More than seeing, below.  You'll understand.  Your time redeemed.



"A poet's job is to find a name for everything: To be a fearless finder of the names of things."  Jane Kenyon.


Within: Hedge - Stick Trees - Tara Turf, you've found the cradle of your Naming Things.


Not my opinion, thousands of years, we've sustained ourselves from gardens.  From those gardens, their templates still used, feeding us, pollinators, Earth.  Above/Below, you're looking at Your History. 


Cow Parsley & Tulips, above.  Simple pairing, divine beauty.


"That poem was given to me by the Muse, the Holy Ghost."  Jane Kenyon.

Kate Elliott on Twitter: "IT IS 23 YEARS AGO TODAY THAT I FIRST CAME TO COLUMBINE  HALL. It's the best thing I have ever done. I'm so incredibly lucky. So  cheers's 

Variations on the theme, above.  Hedge & Gravel, instead of Hedge & Tara Turf.  It's yours to mix/match as your site sings it's love song, to you.

National Gardens Scheme: 20 to visit 

Understanding Nature's preoccupations, there's a joy in reaching another winter season, bare branches.


Gardens are your bounty, "it is an effectional knowledge, having an effect on the knower."



Getting to this simplicity, all pics, empties you, finally, of distractions, rabbit holes, busyness, ego.  


In return, Stewardship becomes yours, partaking of the transformation.  What you've always wanted your Garden to be, more, yourself.

Stowupland Gallery   

Stewardship of your garden isn't about working in your garden, it's planted deeper, it's in your heart, and the tree-of-life.

Plans, Walks, Maps and Gardens  

Don't forget this view of your garden, above.  


In the stewardship, Hedge - Stick Trees - Tara Turf, never fails to delight, be unique, feed soil, wildlife, you.  


Garden & Be Well,  XO Tara


All pics, Columbine Hall, here


Science is catching up, in small ways, with soil and our health, soil and the communication of plants.  Amazing to discover plants are communicating with each other across great distances.  Amazing to discover how much our moods are dictated by the myriad bacteria in our gut, bacteria from Nature not our DNA.


We need Nature, to be healthy.  No pun intended, but it's there.  Without stewardship, we're not healthy, nor Earth.


For decades, I assumed the Bible used metaphors of working the land, because it's something most people understood.  Assumption annihilated.  Science has proved, we need the soil, to be who we are, and healthy, while we're being the best version toward ourselves, each other, and Earth.  


Our bodies are born with thousands of organisms straight from soil, not our parents.  Plants communicating across vast swaths of Earth?  They use soil organisms too, and electricity.  The same electricity running our heart beats.


"The same word used for working the ground (avoda) is used for the service or worship of God.  God's intention is that man would be a gardener who tills the very ground from which he came.  It is a picture of how man must guard his heart and his life.  God charging man to till the land can also be taken symbolically --- breaking up and preparing the soil of his heart for the Tree of Life to grow in him."  The Passion Translation. 


TPT has been enjoyable since discovering it a few months ago.  Yet, the quote, above, frames a question.  Did anyone writing their translation know about the science of our bodies and soil?  Seems a layer of meaning is missing.  Anyone?  What do you think?  Not unusual, to be wildly off, at some point, on the way to understanding, for me.


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